Over 40 years experience in the Tasmanian building trade

Steane Kremerskothen is a licensed builder with over 40 years experience in the building trade in Launceston and the north of Tasmania and is currently a member of the Tasmanian Master Builders Association and holds full Professional Indemnity Insurance to perform Pre purchase property inspections.

Due to the increase in demand for a professional building inspections to be performed on houses prior to purchase we commenced full written reports in 2002 and have carried out over 9000 inspections in Launceston and the North of the state since and have a strong knowledge of issues that can arise in these areas.

We believe a properly conducted inspection is of great benefit for both the selling agent and purchaser for peace of mind and our services are completely independent.

Our inspections include a visual assessment of the property to identify major defects, serviceability defects and maintenance issues and to help the purchaser form an opinion regarding the general condition of the property at the time of inspection.